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Olympus UALB Urine CSF Albumin Reagent R1 Beckman Coulter B38858


Brand: Beckman Coulter
Test Name: Microalbumin
Article Number: B38858
SKU: B38858 Category:


Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus UALB Urine / CSF Albumin Reagent (Microalbumin Test) Specifications:

Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus UALB Urine / CSF Albumin Reagent (Microalbumin Test) Product Description:

The Urine/CSF Albumin reagent is designed for measuring albumin levels in human urine and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using Beckman Coulter AU clinical chemistry systems. It helps diagnose kidney diseases.

Important Note: For in-vitro diagnostic use only.

Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus Urine / Albumin R1:
  • Appearance: Colorless
  • Transparency: Clear
  • Form: Liquid
  • Odor: Odorless
Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus  UALB Urine / CSF Albumin R1:
  • Appearance: Colorless
  • Transparency: Transparent
  • Form: Liquid
  • Odor: Odorless
What is a microalbumin test / creatinine ratio test?
Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus UALB Urine  CSF Albumin Reagent Microalbumin Test
Beckman Coulter B38858 Olympus UALB Urine CSF Albumin Reagent Microalbumin Test

Microalbumin Test or creatinine ratio urine test is a way of checking for very small amounts of a protein called albumin in a sample of your urine (pee). Small amounts of albumin in urine, sometimes called microalbumin, may be one of the first signs of kidney disease. If you find kidney disease early, you can get treatment before it gets worse.

Albumin is the main protein found in blood. When healthy kidneys clean waste from your blood, tiny filters prevent large albumin molecules from leaving your body in urine. Normally, just a trace of albumin, or none at all, will get through the filters. But if your kidneys are damaged, larger amounts of albumin may pass into your urine.

Creatinine is a normal waste product in urine that comes from daily wear and tear on your muscles. A microalbumin creatinine ratio test compares the amount of albumin to the amount of creatinine in your urine. This is a more accurate way to measure the amount of albumin in your urine.

In most cases, your health care provider can use the test results from a single urine sample to estimate how much albumin passes into your urine during a 24-hour period.

Other names: albumin-creatinine ratio; urine albumin; microalbumin, urine; ACR; UACR

What is it used for?

A microalbumin creatinine ratio test is most often used to look for signs of kidney disease in people who have a high risk of developing it, but don’t have symptoms. You’re more likely to develop kidney disease if you:

If you have had an abnormal albumin in urine test or have been diagnosed with kidney disease, a microalbumin creatinine ratio test may also be used to monitor your condition or to see how well your treatment is working.