Order Planning Tool

Forecast & Order Planning Tool

This complementary tool convert your laboratory test volume into the number of reagents units required, for both your chemistry and hematology segments.

Instruction for use:

  1. Select the test segment. click on the clinical chemistry or hematology tabs. 
  2. Select the required manufacturer Beckman coulter or Pointe scientific. (bottom left tabs)
  3. Select the required test name
  4. Part number, product name, usage unit (package size) and test yield will be automatically populated.
  5. For each test name selected in step #3, add your laboratory test volume - the amount of tests you plan to perform.  (double click the yellow cells to enter data)
  6. The tool will auto calculate the number of reagents units required for each test (orange cells)
  7. If certain tests are not available in the tool, add your request in the comments/questions form field. 
  8. Download the workbook for both chemistry and hematology. Further edit it or email us as via the below form. 
  9.  | JIT4You Clinical Lab Consumables


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