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Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Lipase Reagent Incl Calibrator


Brand: Beckman Coulter
Test Name: Lipase
Article Number: OSR6230
SKU: OSR6230 Category:


Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent – Olympus Lipase Reagent (Lipase Test – LIP Test) Specifications:

  • Manufacturer: Beckman Coulter OSR6230
  • Country of Origin: Japan
  • Application: LIP Reagent, Lipase Reagent with Calibrator
  • For Use With: For Quantitative Determination of Lipase Activity in Human Serum on Beckman Coulter AU Analyzers
  • Number of Tests: 4 X 195 Tests
  • Sample Type: Human Serum Sample
  • Test Method: Colorimetric Method
  • Test Name: Lipase Test (LIP Test)
  • Data Sheet
  • Test Type: General Chemistry
  • UNSPSC Code: 41116004
  • Volume: R1 Buffer: 4 X 30 mL, R2: 4 X 10 mL
  • Related products
Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent – Olympus Lipase Reagent (Lipase Test – LIP Test) : Intended Use

OSR6230 Olympus LIP reagent for the quantitative determination of Lipase activity in human serum on Beckman Coulter AU analyzers.

About Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent – Olympus Lipase Reagent (Lipase Test – LIP Test)

Measurements of serum lipase are used in the diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis or pancreatic injury.

Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent – Olympus Lipase Reagent (Lipase Test – LIP Test) Methodology:

The lipase procedure is based on the colorimetric method of lmamura, et al. Pancreatic lipase hydrolyzes esters of long chain fatty acids from their triglycerides. The enzyme activity requires the presence of co-lipase. Diglyceride is hydrolyzed to 2-monoglyceride and fatty acid. The 2-monoglyceride is then measured by coupled enzyme reactions catalyzed by monoglyceride lipase (MGLP), glycerol kinase (GK), glycerol phosphate oxidase (GPO) and peroxidase (POD).

What is lipase Test (Olympus LIP Test)

A lipase test (LIP Test) is a blood test that measures the level of a digestive enzyme called lipase in your blood. It may also be referred to as a serum lipase or LPS. Lipase is a type of digestive enzyme that helps your body absorb fats. The pancreas — a long, flat organ between your stomach and spine — makes most of the lipase in your body. Your salivary, or spit, glands and your stomach also make some.

Your blood normally contains some lipase. It may contain more than usual if you have a problem with your pancreas.

Your doctor may want to find out the level of this protein in your blood to find how your pancreas is doing.

What is lipase Test (Olympus LIP Test) used for?
Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent   Olympus Lipase Reagent Lipase Test   LIP Test
Beckman Coulter OSR6230 Olympus LIP Reagent Olympus Lipase Reagent Lipase Test LIP Test

Your doctor will order a lipase test (LIP Test) if they think you may have something wrong with your pancreas. Acute pancreatitis, which is sudden, severe inflammation of the pancreas, is the most common problem that a lipase test might be used to diagnose. If you have pancreatitis, you might have these symptoms:





  • Severe pain in your belly that may extend to your chest or back
  • Belly pain that feels worse after eating
  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Fat in your stool (poop)
  • A rapid pulse
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Yellowing of your eyes and skin (jaundice)

A lipase test (LIP Test) may be used to monitor your pancreas if you’ve already been diagnosed with acute or chronic (ongoing) pancreatitis. It can find out whether your blood lipase levels are increasing or decreasing. It can also be used to find out whether your treatment is working well.

Sometimes, your doctor will order a lipase test (LIP Test) to help monitor or diagnose other conditions, such as:

Your doctor will be looking for signs of abnormal lipase levels — either high or low — in your blood. The lab will provide your results on a spectrum that includes what are considered normal ranges.

Normal lipase test (Olympus LIP Test) levels

The normal lipase range is usually 0 to 160 units per liter (U/L), or 0 to 2.67 microkat/L (µkat/L). Normal levels may vary slightly between labs, so you and your doctor will look at the ranges given with your results to figure out how your lipase levels compare.

High lipase test (Olympus LIP Test) levels

A high level of lipase in the blood is a sign that you may have a condition affecting the pancreas.

It’s likely that you have acute pancreatitis if your lipase levels are three to 10 times higher than the highest reference value.

Elevated levels of lipase in your blood can also be a sign of:

  • Pancreas diseases like a blocked duct or pancreatic cancer
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Peptic ulcer (a sore in your stomach lining)
  • Gallbladder disease
  • Gastroenteritis (inflammation of the stomach caused by a virus)
  • Intestinal problems, like a blocked intestine
  • Problems with your salivary (spit) glands, such as cancer or infections
  • Diabetes
  • Alcohol use disorder